Form 1099 Compliance
Year-End – Form 1099 Compliance
Please submit your 1099 information through the My Eide Bailly portal by January 10, 2024.
What we need from you:
- Download and complete the 1099 template here.
- For a more detailed spreadsheet (specific to a form), please contact your Eide Bailly professional (or see the information below).
- If you are using QuickBooks Online and appropriately tracking 1099s in that system, please invite Eide Bailly as an accountant user of that file. Please see this worksheet to learn how to invite us as an accountant user to your QuickBooks Online file.
- If you are using QuickBooks Desktop and appropriately tracking 1099s in that system, please upload an accountant’s copy to your My Eide Bailly portal and let your Eide Bailly professional know the password to your file.
Upon completion, all forms will be mailed directly to the recipients and all government copies will be electronically filed with the appropriate authorities.
We will upload the copies for your records to your My Eide Bailly portal.
All 1099 forms must be furnished to recipients on or before January 31, 2024 to avoid penalties.
We cannot guarantee timely filing for information received by us after January 19, 2024.
How to submit your information:- Please upload your information to your My Eide Bailly portal no later than January 10, 2024.
- Please check all recipient names, addresses, and social security numbers/taxpayer identification numbers for accuracy prior to returning information to us.
- If a recipient is using a social security number, make sure you have included the first and last name, not a business name.
- All recipient copies of Form 1099 information returns MUST include a contact name and telephone number in the event recipients have questions. Please include a contact name and telephone number on the information you return to us.
Ready to submit?
Please submit your 1099 information through the My Eide Bailly portal. Have questions or unsure how to access your My Eide Bailly portal?
Resources to help you prepare for filing your 1099 forms.
Common types of payments to be reported (this list and instructions are not all inclusive):
Should you file Form 1099-NEC?
Should you file Form 1099-MISC?
Should you file Form 1099-INT?
Should you file Form 1099-DIV?